I've got a redirect_to in a rails app that hits an endpoint to send a video to Zencoder to be encoded into a few different formats.
Just after I've got a redirect_to that redirect to a view. What's happening is the redirect to the view happens too quickly, so when the view makes the first request for the Zencoder urls - it throws 404s. On refresh the requests are 200
I'd like to either:
Delay the redirect momentarily so that the 404's don't occcur (simpler)
Listen to the Zencoder redirect and only redirect to the view after getting a response from Zencoder
Here's the relevant code:
def edit
@director = Director.find(params[:id])
@director_videos = Video.where(:director_id => @director.id)
if params[:bucket].present?
# process video
key = params[:key]
video = Video.new
video.director_id = @director.id
video.video_url = "https://"+Settings.S3_BUCKET + ".s3.amazonaws.com/" + URI.unescape(key)
redirect_to '/encode_progress' and return
@video_uploader = Video.new.video
@video = Video.new
redirect = "http://"+Settings.DOMAIN+"/directors/"[email protected]_s+"/edit"
@video_uploader.success_action_redirect = redirect