Ruby on rails, Solidus e-comerce, problem with google indexing

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Google indexing stopped on my site with error like

"invalid value type for "name" field. 

The rails code generating this HTML is

<% if products.any? %>
  <ul id="products" class="inline product-listing" data-hook>
    <% products.each do |product| %>
      <% url = spree.product_path(product, taxon_id: @taxon.try(:id)) %>
      <li id="product_<%= %>" class="columns three <%= cycle("alpha", "secondary", "", "omega secondary", name: "classes") %>" data-hook="products_list_item" itemscope it
    <% cache(@taxon.present? ? [I18n.locale, current_pricing_options, @taxon, product] : [I18n.locale, current_pricing_options, product]) do %>
      <div class="product-image">
        <%= link_to(render('spree/shared/image', image:, size: :small, itemprop: "image"), url, itemprop: 'url') %>
      <%= link_to(truncate(, length: 50), url, class: 'info', itemprop: "name", title: %>
      <span itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
        <% if price = product.price_for(current_pricing_options) %>
          <span class="price selling" itemprop="price" content="<%= price.to_d %>">
            <%= price.to_html %>
        <% end %>
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency" content="<%= current_pricing_options.currency %>"></span>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

The page displays fine but does not index on in google. How can I fix this? do I have a syntax error of so in the rails code? I don't see one. what could be causing this?


There are 1 answers

Charlie_oscar On BEST ANSWER

I fixed this by rewriting the rails code wrapped in html header tags like below:

 <h6 style="color:Black;" class="info" itemprop="name">
    <%= link_to(truncate(, length: 50), url, title: %>