I'm using Axlsx to create an Excel file with one worksheet. I cannot figure out how to get all of the column widths to automatically resize to fit all of the data. Consider the following code where I add rows to a worksheet ws
ws.add_row ["this is just a test to see how far it will go because column will not show", "test", "this is also a testtt"]
ws.add_row [""]
By default, columns seem to use auto-width, but even if not, I tried adding the :widths=>[:auto, :auto, :auto]
to my add_row
code. It seems like some kind of auto fit is applied to my columns because that first long column is expanding to fit most of the cell. But it does not fit entire cell, just expands enough to fit most but leaves off the last word or two.
Any way to achieve a true autofit functionality?
How about the next cord ?