Router for custom module not being recognized by Magento

2.5k views Asked by At

I am following this tutorial to create a custom module. For some reason i can't get magento to recognize the routers( i get a Magento 404 error) when i hit I've verfied that the module is enabled in the Admin. There's only 2 files for this tut config.xml and IndexController.php. Thank you in advance!

Module is in /code/local/Russ/Helloworld







class Russ_Helloworld_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {
    public function indexAction() {
        echo 'Hello Index!';



Magento 1.6.2


There are 2 answers

MagePsycho On

Make sure that Store Code is not allowed to the URL:
(System > Configuration > Web > Add Store Code to Urls = No)


dannosaur On

Did you put a config file in app/etc/modules to activate the extension? You'll need this file to tell Magento that your extension even exists.

Try put this in app/etc/modules/Russ_Helloworld.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then, clear Magento's cache and it should pick it up.