you are my last hope. I am stuck in this for days now, and my remaining thesis time clock is ticking.
I have a robot manipulator arm and a tracepen (3D tracked device).
I can get data from the tracepen using tracepenPose
, which gives me a PoseStamped()
object (let us call this frame tracepen_raw
This frame is not aligned with the world frame, rather shifted and rotated arbitrarily.
So my goal is to find a calibration which aligns the tracepen_raw
frame with the world
For this i want to have a Calibration()
It should do the following:
On the manipulator, there is a calibration socket. Its position is known as tracepen_ok
rosrun tf tf_echo world tracepen_ok
At time 1683566330.781
- Translation: [0.999, 0.568, 0.198]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.006, 0.010, -0.004, 1.000]
in RPY (radian) [0.012, 0.020, -0.007]
in RPY (degree) [0.705, 1.135, -0.422]
The tracepen can be plugged into this socket.
Say i found the correct Calibration
, then as long as the tracepen is in the socket, using Calibration(tracepen_raw)
should give me tracepen_ok
Or with other words, in rviz, the tf of tracepen_calibrated
should be the same as tracepen_raw
, while the tracepen is plugged.
For this i came up with the following function:
def calculate_calibration_matrix(self):
input("Plug in Tracepen and press Enter")
# get the tracepen_raw pose while plugged into the calibration socket
raw_ok_pose = PoseStamped()
raw_ok_pose = self.tracepenPose()
# calculate a tf from world to tracepen_raw_plugged
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged = TransformStamped()
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.header.stamp =
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.header.frame_id = "world"
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.child_frame_id = "tracepen_raw_plugged"
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.transform.translation = raw_ok_pose.pose.position
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.transform.rotation = raw_ok_pose.pose.orientation
# broadcaste the tf so we can lookup the transform later
# now get the transform we care about: the one from tracepen_ok to tracepen_raw_plugged.
# Applying it to raw data should give us calibrated data.
calibration_tf = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform("tracepen_ok", "tracepen_raw_plugged", rospy.Time())
# now calculate a calibration matrix from the tf
self.calibrationMatrix = self.matrix_from_tf(calibration_tf)
This should give me a homogeneous transformation which i can apply to a Pose Object to transform it into the world frame.
Therefore in the main loop:
def run(self):
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# Get data from OpenVr
tracepenPose = self.tracepenPose()
# Get the tracepen_raw_tf and broadcast it
tracepen_raw_tf = self.calculate_tf("tracepen_raw", tracepenPose)
# Now convert the tracepen_raw_tf to a matrix, apply the calibration matrix...
tracepen_calibrated_matrixnotation = self.calibrationMatrix @ self.matrix_from_tf(tracepen_raw_tf)
# ... and convert it back to a tf
tracepen_calibrated_tf = self.tf_from_matrix(tracepen_calibrated_matrixnotation, "world", "tracepen_calibrated")
# Braodcast the calibrated tf.
Except this does not do what it is suppoesed to do. Even in the plugged position, where actually tracepen_ok
should coincide with tracepen_calibrated
, it does not:
(The full code is:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TransformStamped, Pose
from std_msgs.msg import Bool, String
import tf2_ros
import tf
import numpy as np
import transforms3d
from transforms import Transforms3DUtils
from ur_msgs.msg import IOStates
#tracepen dependencies
import triad_openvr as triad_openvr
import time
import sys
import tf.transformations
class TracepenNode(object):
def __init__(self):
self.v = triad_openvr.triad_openvr()
except Exception as ex:
if (type(ex).__name__ == 'OpenVRError' and ex.args[0] == 'VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFoundPresenceFailed (error number 126)'):
print('Cannot find the Tracepen.')
print('Is SteamVR running?')
print('Is the Tracepen turned on, connected, and paired with SteamVR?')
print('Are the Lighthouse Base Stations powered and in view of the tracepen?\n\n')
rospy.logerr(f"An exception of type {type(ex).__name__} occurred. Arguments:\n{ex.args}")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
interval = 1/250
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
interval = 1/float(sys.argv[1])
print("Invalid number of arguments")
interval = False
self.rpy = PoseStamped()
self.calibPose = PoseStamped()
self.rawPose = PoseStamped()
rospy.loginfo('fmp_tracepen_node: initialized')
self.tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()
self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
self.tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer)
self.tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()
def waitForTracepen(self):
""" Waits for the tracepen to be connected to the system
tracepenPose = None
while tracepenPose is None or (tracepenPose.pose.position.x == 0 and tracepenPose.pose.position.y == 0 and tracepenPose.pose.position.z == 0):
tracepenPose = self.tracepenPose()
return tracepenPose
def tracepenPose(self):
""" Get the data from the VR tracker through the steamVR
rparam position: The position of the tracepen already fixed in the x, y and z directions
rtype position: geometry_msgs.PoseStamped()
tracepenpose = self.v.devices["controller_1"].getPoseQuaternion()
position = PoseStamped()
position.pose.position.x = tracepenpose[0] #2
position.pose.position.y = tracepenpose[1] #0
position.pose.position.z = tracepenpose[2] #1
position.pose.orientation.x = tracepenpose[4]
position.pose.orientation.y = tracepenpose[5]
position.pose.orientation.z = tracepenpose[6]
position.pose.orientation.w = tracepenpose[3]
rospy.logerr("fmp_tracepen_node: Data not received")
return position
def calculate_tf(self, frameName, pose):
Calculates a transformation from the "world" frame to a specified child frame,
based on a given PoseStamped message.
frameName (str): The name of the child frame for the transformation.
pose (PoseStamped): A PoseStamped message representing the pose of the child
frame relative to the "world" frame.
TransformStamped: A TransformStamped message representing the transformation
from the "world" frame to the child frame.
transformation = TransformStamped()
transformation.header.stamp =
transformation.header.frame_id = "world"
transformation.child_frame_id = frameName
transformation.transform.translation = pose.pose.position
transformation.transform.rotation = pose.pose.orientation
return transformation
def calculate_calibration_matrix(self):
input("Plug in Tracepen and press Enter")
# get the tracepen_raw pose while plugged into the calibration socket
raw_ok_pose = PoseStamped()
raw_ok_pose = self.tracepenPose()
# calculate a tf from world to tracepen_raw_plugged
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged = TransformStamped()
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.header.stamp =
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.header.frame_id = "world"
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.child_frame_id = "tracepen_raw_plugged"
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.transform.translation = raw_ok_pose.pose.position
tf_tracepen_raw_plugged.transform.rotation = raw_ok_pose.pose.orientation
# broadcaste the tf so we can lookup the transform later
# now get the transform we care about: the one from tracepen_ok to tracepen_raw_plugged.
# Applying it to raw data should give us calibrated data.
calibration_tf = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform("tracepen_ok", "tracepen_raw_plugged", rospy.Time())
# now calculate a calibration matrix from the tf
self.calibrationMatrix = self.matrix_from_tf(calibration_tf)
def matrix_from_tf(self, tf_stamped):
translation = [tf_stamped.transform.translation.x, tf_stamped.transform.translation.y, tf_stamped.transform.translation.z]
rotation = [tf_stamped.transform.rotation.x, tf_stamped.transform.rotation.y, tf_stamped.transform.rotation.z, tf_stamped.transform.rotation.w]
tf_matrix = tf.transformations.translation_matrix(translation)
tf_matrix = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rotation) @ tf_matrix
return tf_matrix
def tf_from_matrix(self, matrix, parent_frame, child_frame):
translation = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(matrix)
rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(matrix)
tf_stamped = TransformStamped()
tf_stamped.header.stamp =
tf_stamped.header.frame_id = parent_frame
tf_stamped.child_frame_id = child_frame
tf_stamped.transform.translation.x = translation[0]
tf_stamped.transform.translation.y = translation[1]
tf_stamped.transform.translation.z = translation[2]
tf_stamped.transform.rotation.x = rotation[0]
tf_stamped.transform.rotation.y = rotation[1]
tf_stamped.transform.rotation.z = rotation[2]
tf_stamped.transform.rotation.w = rotation[3]
return tf_stamped
def run(self):
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# Get data from OpenVr
tracepenPose = self.tracepenPose()
# Get the tracepen_raw_tf and broadcast it
tracepen_raw_tf = self.calculate_tf("tracepen_raw", tracepenPose)
# Now convert the tracepen_raw_tf to a matrix, apply the calibration matrix...
tracepen_calibrated_matrixnotation = self.calibrationMatrix @ self.matrix_from_tf(tracepen_raw_tf)
# ... and convert it back to a tf
tracepen_calibrated_tf = self.tf_from_matrix(tracepen_calibrated_matrixnotation, "world", "tracepen_calibrated")
# Braodcast the calibrated tf.
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node('fmp_tracepen_node', anonymous=True)
tracepenNodeHandle = TracepenNode()
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
I do not think there are errors in the remaining functions. Probably my calibration sequence is missing something i just can think about.
I am extremely grateful for any response.
Many thanks in advance!