Robotic arm fall to ground in gazebo

509 views Asked by At

I create a custom URDF in Solidworks and simulate it in ROS when ever I launch the robot in the gazebo simulator the arm fall to the ground. the robot is perfectly fine in rviz. left rviz simulator the one is right gazebo simulator


There are 1 answers

ignacio On

That is because you are not sending any signals to the joints, so it is behaving as links connected to a movable joint that is not powered. You need to:

Define the joints as fixed joints as

    <joint name="footprint" type="fixed" >
        <parent link="base_footprint" />
        <child link="base_link" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0.05" rpy="0 0 0" />

or add a controller to your system as described here.

Follow the Gazebo ROS Control to add those to your system and be able to interact with your joints via the joint_state_publisher topic.