Robotc - Finding balls, grab and drop

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I have to solve a problem with EV3, using language C with ROBOTC.

I am trying to find a ball in the field, grab it and drop in the triangle area. I'm using a ultrasonic sensor in front of the robot.

My solution for now is:

Turn 360 degrees and find the closest object. After finding the ball, I would like to drop it in the reserved area. That's ok.

The big problem is:

How can I distinct the balls with the triangle area? After grabbing the ball, I need to drop in the trinagle.

How about the walls? How can I differentiate?

Steps: Turn 360 and find the closest ball. Go to the triangle. Drop it. Turn 360 and find the closest ball. And so on.

But with sonic sensor, I can't distinct what's the triangle area and balls.

Can you help me the best way?

It's following the images:

enter image description here

enter image description here


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