Robot framework ride installation for Python3.7 CentOS 7.x

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Installation of robot framework ride on centos 7.5 with Python 3.7.4 fails on wxPython installation.

When checking in wxPython repository there is no matching package -

Using fedora-31 package completed successfully: pip install -U --trusted-host -f wxPython--proxy

However after installing ride, it fails to find it: pip install --pre robotframework-ride

wxPython not found. RIDE depends on wx (wxPython). Historically, the last supported version was with unicode support.At the time of this release the current wxPython version is 4.0.7.post2.You can install with 'pip install wxPython' on most operating systems, or find the the download link from

pip list

Package Version

certifi 2020.6.20 chardet 3.0.4 coverage 5.2.1 coveralls 2.1.2 docopt 0.6.2 idna 2.10 Jinja2 2.11.2 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 nose 1.3.7 nose-htmloutput 0.6.0 numpy 1.19.1 Pillow 7.2.0 pip 20.2.3 pygame 1.9.6 Pygments 2.6.1 Pypubsub 4.0.3 requests 2.24.0 robotframework 3.2.2 robotframework-ride 2.0b1 setuptools 50.3.0 six 1.15.0 urllib3 1.25.10 wheel 0.35.1 wxPython 4.1.0


There are 1 answers

Helio On

You can try to install from Fedora 31 from

For this wxPython 4.1.0 you should install current development version see RIDE project or current Beta with:

pip install --pre robotframework-ride