Riverpod: type '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, bool>' of 'value' Flutter

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I have an app that gets the data from a FutureProvider and everything is working fine. Except I can't change the state of other providers in my app. And when I do, I get this error

type '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, bool>' of 'value'

Here are all my providers that are needed for this example

final connectionTypeProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose((_) async {
  final ConnectionType connectionType = await kGetConnectionType();
  return connectionType;

    final loadFromDatabase =
        StateProvider<Map<String, bool>>((_) => {"loadFromDatabase": false});

    final userAuthProvider = StateProvider<Map<String, bool>>((_) => {
          'signedIn': false,
          'loaded': true,
          'signInWasDissmised': false,
          'userIsConnectedToInternet': true

And here is how I use it. Please, reference the comments in the code.

    class GetPage extends ConsumerWidget {
      const GetPage({@required this.appState});
      final Map<String, bool> appState;
      Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
        StateController<Map<String, bool>> fromDatabase = watch(loadFromDatabase);
        StateController<Map<String, dynamic>> isConnected = watch(userAuthProvider);
        return watch(connectionTypeProvider).when(
            data: (data) {
              if (data == ConnectionType.none) { // Until here it works just fine
                // Check database for previous data and if there is, show it to the user
                final String database = 'Data';
                if (database.isNotEmpty) {
                  fromDatabase.state = { // Here the problem happens
                    "loadFromDatabase": true
                  return Home();
                } else {
                  isConnected.state = {  // Here the problem happens
                    'userIsConnectedToInternet': false

                  // ... Other code

So what's the problem and how can I solve it? Thanks


There are 2 answers

JonnyH On

In your code:

    StateController<Map<String, dynamic>> isConnected = watch(userAuthProvider);

And :

final userAuthProvider = StateProvider<Map<String, bool>>((_) => {

Change your StateController to <Map<String, bool>>

bluenile On

Try this :

Map<String, dynamic>.from(yourData)