below is T-SQL generated by application
SET @xml_0 = N'<Val>8e4cd3e3-de98-4f55-9c55-57881157a0f0</Val>
SELECT [t0].[ID]
FROM [dbo].[HM_Rows] AS [t0], [dbo].[HM_Cells] AS [t1]
[t1].[Value] IN
SELECT node.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(200)') FROM @xml_0.nodes('/Val') xml_0(node)
) AS [r2487772634]
here is execution plan of T-SQL above
so it scans index it scans correct indexes
missing_index_FOR_Value_INC_RowID - on HM_Cells table and PK_HM_Rows - on HM_Rows table
any idea?
P.S tables are large Row counts HM_Rows - 17'736'181 HM_Cells - 1'048'693'775 AND YES i have rebuilded indexes and updated statistics HM_Cells.Value is NVarChar(200)
also without XML and HM_Rows table it working fine e.g SELECT ID FROM HM_Cells WHERE Value IN (.........) works excellent
Thanks a lot :)
Try using a JOIN instead of an IN, because this way you can force a loop strategy, which will probably use a seek instead of a scan: