RichText Default Font Size

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I started with RichText, and i feel happy about the results i got.

So i have one small thing i don't understand. I wrote a Text like "Überschrift" and save the rtf to my databes. The result is like this...

{\rtf1\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 Calibri ;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255 ;}{\*\defchp \fs14}{\*\listoverridetable}{\stylesheet {\ql\fs14 Normal;}{\*\cs1\fs14 Default Paragraph Font;}{\*\cs2\sbasedon1\fs14 Line Number;}{\*\cs3\ul\fs14\cf1 Hyperlink;}{\*\ts4\tsrowd\fs14\ql\trautofit1\tscellpaddfl3\tscellpaddl108\tscellpaddfr3\tscellpaddr108\tsvertalt\cltxlrtb Normal Table;}{\*\ts5\tsrowd\sbasedon4\fs14\ql\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10\trautofit1\tscellpaddfl3\tscellpaddl108\tscellpaddfr3\tscellpaddr108\tsvertalt\cltxlrtb Table Simple 1;}}\nouicompat\splytwnine\htmautsp\sectd\pard\plain\ql{\lang2055\langfe2055\cf0 \u220\'dcberschrift}\par}

When i save this text to a file and save them to *.rtf and open in WordPad, my text "Überschrift" is Font-Size 12 ... (Is Default a saw on research)

My question is, can i force the RichTextEdit to save the fs\24? {\lang2055\langfe2055\cf0 \u220\'dcberschrift} normal but i try to get this {\lang2055\langfe2055\cf0 \fs24 \u220\'dcberschrift}

thanks for your informations


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