I am using <rich:editor>
in my application and I need customize the ribbon options of the editor(I want to have only some option and omit the others). Is anybody know where will I get all possible values for configuration ?
And the following is what I tried till now
<f:facet name="config">
toolbar: 'custom',
language: '#{editorBean.language}',
startupFocus: true,
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : ['Bold','Italic'] },
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Paste','PasteFromWord'] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : ['Underline'] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent'] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent'] },
From richfaces documentation : http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=editor&sample=advancedConfiguration&skin=blueSky
You can see available configuration from CKEditor API here : http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/index.html http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.config.html