I've a classic BLL and DAL injected in costructor. This is the code:
public interface IAbilitazioneLogic
IEnumerable<myEntity> CercaByNumerica(Guid id);
public class AbilitazioneLogic : IAbilitazioneLogic
private readonly INumeroVerdeDAL _dal;
public AbilitazioneLogic(INumeroVerdeDAL dal)
_dal = dal;
public IEnumerable<myEntity> CercaByNumerica(Guid id)
return _dal.SearchAbilitazioni(a => a.new_numericaid.Id.Equals(id));
public interface INumeroVerdeDAL
IEnumerable<myEntity> SearchAbilitazioni(Expression<Func<myEntity, bool>> predicate);
public class AbilitazioneDAL : INumeroVerdeDAL
public IEnumerable<myEntity> SearchAbilitazioni(Expression<Func<myEntity, bool>> predicate)
I want to test that BLL call right DAL method, and call that method with right Expression. I try this:
public void CercaByNumerica_CallCorrectDalMethod()
INumeroVerdeDAL _dalStrinctMock = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<INumeroVerdeDAL>();
Guid guid = DataFactory.GetFixedGuid();
Expression<Func<myEntity, bool>> expr = a => a.new_numericaid.Id.Equals(guid);
_dalStrinctMock.Expect(d =>
d.SearchAbilitazioni(Arg<Expression<Func<myEntity, bool>>>.Is.Equal(expr))
IAbilitazioneLogic SUT = new AbilitazioneLogic(_dalStrinctMock);
But this not work. This is the error:
INumeroVerdeDAL.SearchAbilitazioni(a => a.new_numericaid.Id.Equals(value(Reply.Seat.CrmLoyalty.AbilitazioneNumeroVerde.BL.AbilitazioneLogic+<>c__DisplayClass0).id)); Expected #0, Actual #1.
INumeroVerdeDAL.SearchAbilitazioni(equal to a => a.new_numericaid.Id.Equals(value(Reply.Seat.CrmLoyalty.AbilitazioneNumeroVerde.BL.Tests.AbilitazioneLogicTests+<>c__DisplayClass4).guid)); Expected #1, Actual #0.
At this line: SUT.CercaByNumerica(guid);
what is the right way to do this test?
EDIT: I do not think that this is a duplicate, because even if the problem is similar, the solution I request is not the same. The proposed solution refers to a link where you read a discussion that partially solves the problem: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rhinomocks/ozsWXBb8SO4 This is the proposed solution:
I think you need to re-think how to test this situation. In writing a unit test for Handler.HandleSomethingHappened(), you'll just want to make sure that it calls IList.ForEachEntry().
I have already performed this test, I have already verified that the correct method is called. The problem is that it is passed a "lambda" as a parameter to the called method. I have to check whether the execution of this lambda returns the correct result.
I explain in more detail: I've already performed that BLL's Method "AbilitazioneLogic.CercaByNumerica(Guid id)" calls DAL's method "_dal.SearchAbilitazioni()". Now I've to check that parameter DAL's methos is called with correct lambda and returns the correct result.
How can I do this?