I am trying to use Rhandsontable in a Shiny app to make a 8x12 table that will be used as input matched to a 97 column dataframe. Each cell in the table corresponds to 1 column in the dataframe (-1 for the x-axis).
This is my current code for testing:
server <- function(input, output) {
mat = matrix(, nrow=8, ncol=12, dimnames= list(LETTERS[1:8],1:12))
output$table = renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable(mat, readOnly = T, selectCallback = T) %>%
hot_cols(colWidths=22) %>%
hot_context_menu(allowRowEdit = FALSE, allowColEdit = FALSE)
cat('Selected Row:',input$table_select$select$r)
cat('\nSelected Column:',input$table_select$select$c)
cat('\nSelected Cell Value:',input$table_select$data[[input$table_select$select$r]][[input$table_select$select$c]])
cat('\nSelected Range: R',input$table_select$select$r,'C',input$table_select$select$c,':R',input$table_select$select$r2,'C',input$table_select$select$c2,sep="")
ui <- fluidPage(
This works great for shift-click based multiple selection, selection of whole rows, whole columns, and single cells. However, I need to be able to select also in the standard cntrl+click way to select discontinuous blocks of cells. Is this not feasible in rhandsontable package? I can't find any documentation on it, nor can I find anything else on SO. Help or recommendations on what packages/tools can accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.