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I am new to Retrofit and I am having a weird problem. I am getting the following error -->

Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $

However when I hit the endpoint with a curl command I get back a json array.


Sorry for all of the edits. I may have put this question up prematurely. I am considering just removing the unnecessary code snippets if they are distracting. I put the edits at the top so you don't have to scroll down to see the latest problems. I think I may be in some real trouble with this last problem.

I found using a different model structure helps with the json conversion. I switched this

data class Jobs(
    val job: List<JobPW>,
    val status : String

To this

data class JobApiModel(
    val jobs: List<Job>,
    val status: String

And created a new Job class with the matching elements

data class Job(
    @field:Json(name = "city")
    val city: String,
    @field:Json(name = "job_id")
    val job_id: Int,
    @field:Json(name = "owner_id_map")
    val owner_id_map: Int,
    @field:Json(name = "status")
    val status: Int,
    val title: String,
    val workers: List<Worker>,
    val posters: List<PosterWithWorker>

This is the same object as JobPW but it is called Job which is the name of the property. Can you use a @SerializedName or something similar for class names? JobPW is a Room relation with a Job object and I can't call both classes Job. What is the best way to handle this?

So both

workers : List<Workers> 



deserialize correctly. The other fields are all null and empty. Is there anything I am doing wrong or anything left to do?


I am getting closer and it appears that after adding the outer jobs object around the array the call doesn't fail with an exception anymore. Instead, I get a null array (jobs = null) from Retrofit response = Jobs(job=null).

My Room Dao objects are below near the bottom of the post

For some reason, the JSON response looks different when using Retrofit. It looks like the following.

I should mention this is coming from a Firebase Realtime Database. When I use curl I just see the array, there is no wrapper object.

  "jobs": [
      "job": {
        "city": "Toronto",
        "job_id": 1,
        "owner_id_map": 1,
        "status": 0,
        "title": "500 Posters in Toronto"
      "posters": [
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 2,
            "latitude": 43.64526533333377,
            "locationDescription": "Union Station",
            "longitude": -79.38060468539248,
            "poster_id": 1,
            "qr_code": "code2",
            "worker_id": 1
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Noris",
              "worker_id": 1
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 2,
            "latitude": 43.64295669900133,
            "locationDescription": "Queen and Spadina",
            "longitude": -79.39368099382459,
            "poster_id": 2,
            "qr_code": "code3",
            "worker_id": 2
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Jack",
              "worker_id": 2
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 3,
            "latitude": 43.76892443268843,
            "locationDescription": "North York Civic Center",
            "longitude": -79.41292484238735,
            "poster_id": 3,
            "qr_code": "code4",
            "worker_id": 3
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Nicky",
              "worker_id": 3
      "workers": [
          "workerName": "Noris",
          "worker_id": 1
          "workerName": "Jack",
          "worker_id": 2
          "workerName": "Nicky",
          "worker_id": 3
          "workerName": "Davis",
          "worker_id": 4
          "workerName": "Argyle",
          "worker_id": 5
          "workerName": "James",
          "worker_id": 6
      "job": {
        "city": "Montreal",
        "job_id": 2,
        "owner_id_map": 1,
        "status": 1,
        "title": "20 Posters in Montreal"
      "posters": [],
      "workers": [
          "workerName": "Noris",
          "worker_id": 1
          "workerName": "Jack",
          "worker_id": 2
          "workerName": "Nicky",
          "worker_id": 3
          "workerName": "Davis",
          "worker_id": 4
          "workerName": "Argyle",
          "worker_id": 5
          "workerName": "James",
          "worker_id": 6
      "job": {
        "city": "Ottawa",
        "job_id": 3,
        "owner_id_map": 2,
        "status": 2,
        "title": "350 Posters in Ottawa"
      "posters": [
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 4,
            "latitude": 43.63904362027761,
            "locationDescription": "Harbourfront",
            "longitude": -79.38193214610098,
            "poster_id": 4,
            "qr_code": "code5",
            "worker_id": 0
          "worker": []
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 5,
            "latitude": 43.68347235901327,
            "locationDescription": "Bathurst and St Clair",
            "longitude": -79.41851002097324,
            "poster_id": 5,
            "qr_code": "code6",
            "worker_id": 0
          "worker": []
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 2,
            "latitude": 43.6958481647278,
            "locationDescription": "Dufferin and Eglinton",
            "longitude": -79.45035794609939,
            "poster_id": 6,
            "qr_code": "code7",
            "worker_id": 0
          "worker": []
      "workers": [
          "workerName": "Noris",
          "worker_id": 1
          "workerName": "Jack",
          "worker_id": 2
          "workerName": "Nicky",
          "worker_id": 3
          "workerName": "Davis",
          "worker_id": 4
          "workerName": "Argyle",
          "worker_id": 5
          "workerName": "James",
          "worker_id": 6
      "job": {
        "city": "Calgary",
        "job_id": 4,
        "owner_id_map": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "title": "10 Posters in Calgary"
      "posters": [
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 2,
            "latitude": 43.64526533333377,
            "locationDescription": "Union Station",
            "longitude": -79.38060468539248,
            "poster_id": 1,
            "qr_code": "code2",
            "worker_id": 1
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Noris",
              "worker_id": 1
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 2,
            "latitude": 43.64295669900133,
            "locationDescription": "Queen and Spadina",
            "longitude": -79.39368099382459,
            "poster_id": 2,
            "qr_code": "code3",
            "worker_id": 2
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Jack",
              "worker_id": 2
          "poster": {
            "job_id_map": 3,
            "latitude": 43.76892443268843,
            "locationDescription": "North York Civic Center",
            "longitude": -79.41292484238735,
            "poster_id": 3,
            "qr_code": "code4",
            "worker_id": 3
          "worker": [
              "workerName": "Nicky",
              "worker_id": 3
      "workers": [
          "workerName": "Noris",
          "worker_id": 1
          "workerName": "Jack",
          "worker_id": 2
          "workerName": "Nicky",
          "worker_id": 3
          "workerName": "Davis",
          "worker_id": 4
          "workerName": "Argyle",
          "worker_id": 5
          "workerName": "James",
          "worker_id": 6
  "status": "success"

Anyone understand why this maybe happening? Why would the curl response be different?

Here is the json from Firebase using curl.

    "job": {
      "city": "Toronto",
      "job_id": 1,
      "owner_id_map": 1,
      "status": 0,
      "title": "500 Posters in Toronto"
    "posters": [
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 2,
          "latitude": 43.64526533333377,
          "locationDescription": "Union Station",
          "longitude": -79.38060468539248,
          "poster_id": 1,
          "qr_code": "code2",
          "worker_id": 1
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Noris",
            "worker_id": 1
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 2,
          "latitude": 43.64295669900133,
          "locationDescription": "Queen and Spadina",
          "longitude": -79.39368099382459,
          "poster_id": 2,
          "qr_code": "code3",
          "worker_id": 2
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Jack",
            "worker_id": 2
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 3,
          "latitude": 43.76892443268843,
          "locationDescription": "North York Civic Center",
          "longitude": -79.41292484238735,
          "poster_id": 3,
          "qr_code": "code4",
          "worker_id": 3
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Nicky",
            "worker_id": 3
    "workers": [
        "workerName": "Noris",
        "worker_id": 1
        "workerName": "Jack",
        "worker_id": 2
        "workerName": "Nicky",
        "worker_id": 3
        "workerName": "Davis",
        "worker_id": 4
        "workerName": "Argyle",
        "worker_id": 5
        "workerName": "James",
        "worker_id": 6
    "job": {
      "city": "Montreal",
      "job_id": 2,
      "owner_id_map": 1,
      "status": 1,
      "title": "20 Posters in Montreal"
    "workers": [
        "workerName": "Noris",
        "worker_id": 1
        "workerName": "Jack",
        "worker_id": 2
        "workerName": "Nicky",
        "worker_id": 3
        "workerName": "Davis",
        "worker_id": 4
        "workerName": "Argyle",
        "worker_id": 5
        "workerName": "James",
        "worker_id": 6
    "job": {
      "city": "Ottawa",
      "job_id": 3,
      "owner_id_map": 2,
      "status": 2,
      "title": "350 Posters in Ottawa"
    "posters": [
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 4,
          "latitude": 43.63904362027761,
          "locationDescription": "Harbourfront",
          "longitude": -79.38193214610098,
          "poster_id": 4,
          "qr_code": "code5",
          "worker_id": 0
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 5,
          "latitude": 43.68347235901327,
          "locationDescription": "Bathurst and St Clair",
          "longitude": -79.41851002097324,
          "poster_id": 5,
          "qr_code": "code6",
          "worker_id": 0
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 2,
          "latitude": 43.6958481647278,
          "locationDescription": "Dufferin and Eglinton",
          "longitude": -79.45035794609939,
          "poster_id": 6,
          "qr_code": "code7",
          "worker_id": 0
    "workers": [
        "workerName": "Noris",
        "worker_id": 1
        "workerName": "Jack",
        "worker_id": 2
        "workerName": "Nicky",
        "worker_id": 3
        "workerName": "Davis",
        "worker_id": 4
        "workerName": "Argyle",
        "worker_id": 5
        "workerName": "James",
        "worker_id": 6
    "job": {
      "city": "Calgary",
      "job_id": 4,
      "owner_id_map": 2,
      "status": 0,
      "title": "10 Posters in Calgary"
    "posters": [
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 2,
          "latitude": 43.64526533333377,
          "locationDescription": "Union Station",
          "longitude": -79.38060468539248,
          "poster_id": 1,
          "qr_code": "code2",
          "worker_id": 1
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Noris",
            "worker_id": 1
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 2,
          "latitude": 43.64295669900133,
          "locationDescription": "Queen and Spadina",
          "longitude": -79.39368099382459,
          "poster_id": 2,
          "qr_code": "code3",
          "worker_id": 2
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Jack",
            "worker_id": 2
        "poster": {
          "job_id_map": 3,
          "latitude": 43.76892443268843,
          "locationDescription": "North York Civic Center",
          "longitude": -79.41292484238735,
          "poster_id": 3,
          "qr_code": "code4",
          "worker_id": 3
        "worker": [
            "workerName": "Nicky",
            "worker_id": 3
    "workers": [
        "workerName": "Noris",
        "worker_id": 1
        "workerName": "Jack",
        "worker_id": 2
        "workerName": "Nicky",
        "worker_id": 3
        "workerName": "Davis",
        "worker_id": 4
        "workerName": "Argyle",
        "worker_id": 5
        "workerName": "James",
        "worker_id": 6

Here is my Retrofit API call

   suspend fun getJobsList() : Response<List<JobPW>>

I am assuming there is an issue with a nested object but I don't know how to debug it.

Here are my models; which are also Room objects

data class JobPW(
    @Embedded val job: Job,
        parentColumn = "job_id",
        entityColumn = "worker_id",
        associateBy = Junction(JobWorkerCrossRef::class)
    val workers: List<Worker>,

        entity = Poster::class,
        parentColumn = "job_id",
        entityColumn = "job_id_map"
    val posters: List<PosterWithWorker>
) : Serializable
data class PosterWithWorker(
    @Embedded val poster: Poster,
        parentColumn = "worker_id",
        entityColumn = "worker_id",
        associateBy = Junction(
            value = PosterWorkerCrossRef::class,
            parentColumn = "poster_id_map",
            entityColumn = "worker_id_map"
    val worker:  List<Worker>
) : Serializa
package com.davidozersky.posterpal.database.entities


    foreignKeys = [

            entity = Owner::class,
            parentColumns = ["owner_id"],
            childColumns = ["owner_id_map"],
            onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
            onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class Job (

    @PrimaryKey val job_id: Long,
    val status: Int,
    @ColumnInfo(index = true)
    val owner_id_map: Long,
    val title: String,
    val city: String
) : Serializable
package com.davidozersky.posterpal.database.entities


class Worker(
    @ColumnInfo(name = "worker_id")
    val worker_id: Long,
    val workerName: String,
) : Serializable


package com.davidozersky.posterpal.database.entities


    foreignKeys = [
            entity = Job::class,
            parentColumns = ["job_id"],
            childColumns = ["job_id_map"],
            onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
            onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class Poster (
    @PrimaryKey val poster_id: Long,
    @ColumnInfo(index = true)
    val job_id_map: Long,
    val qr_code: String,
    val worker_id: Long,
    val latitude: Double,
    val longitude: Double,
    val locationDescription: String,

I tried using OkHttp directly with the HttpLogger and the call responds with a 200 and it logs out the same json

[{"job":{"city":"Toronto","job_id":1,"owner_id_map":1,"status":0,"title":"500 Posters in Toronto"},"posters":[{"poster":{"job_id_map":2,"latitude":43.64526533333377,"locationDescription":"Union Station","longitude":-79.38060468539248,"poster_id":1,"qr_code":"code2","worker_id":1},"worker":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1}]},{"poster":{"job_id_map":2,"latitude":43.64295669900133,"locationDescription":"Queen and Spadina","longitude":-79.39368099382459,"poster_id":2,"qr_code":"code3","worker_id":2},"worker":[{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2}]},{"poster":{"job_id_map":3,"latitude":43.76892443268843,"locationDescription":"North York Civic Center","longitude":-79.41292484238735,"poster_id":3,"qr_code":"code4","worker_id":3},"worker":[{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3}]}],"workers":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1},{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2},{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3},{"workerName":"Davis","worker_id":4},{"workerName":"Argyle","worker_id":5},{"workerName":"James","worker_id":6}]},{"job":{"city":"Montreal","job_id":2,"owner_id_map":1,"status":1,"title":"20 Posters in Montreal"},"workers":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1},{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2},{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3},{"workerName":"Davis","worker_id":4},{"workerName":"Argyle","worker_id":5},{"workerName":"James","worker_id":6}]},{"job":{"city":"Ottawa","job_id":3,"owner_id_map":2,"status":2,"title":"350 Posters in Ottawa"},"posters":[{"poster":{"job_id_map":4,"latitude":43.63904362027761,"locationDescription":"Harbourfront","longitude":-79.38193214610098,"poster_id":4,"qr_code":"code5","worker_id":0}},{"poster":{"job_id_map":5,"latitude":43.68347235901327,"locationDescription":"Bathurst and St Clair","longitude":-79.41851002097324,"poster_id":5,"qr_code":"code6","worker_id":0}},{"poster":{"job_id_map":2,"latitude":43.6958481647278,"locationDescription":"Dufferin and Eglinton","longitude":-79.45035794609939,"poster_id":6,"qr_code":"code7","worker_id":0}}],"workers":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1},{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2},{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3},{"workerName":"Davis","worker_id":4},{"workerName":"Argyle","worker_id":5},{"workerName":"James","worker_id":6}]},{"job":{"city":"Calgary","job_id":4,"owner_id_map":2,"status":0,"title":"10 Posters in Calgary"},"posters":[{"poster":{"job_id_map":2,"latitude":43.64526533333377,"locationDescription":"Union Station","longitude":-79.38060468539248,"poster_id":1,"qr_code":"code2","worker_id":1},"worker":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1}]},{"poster":{"job_id_map":2,"latitude":43.64295669900133,"locationDescription":"Queen and Spadina","longitude":-79.39368099382459,"poster_id":2,"qr_code":"code3","worker_id":2},"worker":[{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2}]},{"poster":{"job_id_map":3,"latitude":43.76892443268843,"locationDescription":"North York Civic Center","longitude":-79.41292484238735,"poster_id":3,"qr_code":"code4","worker_id":3},"worker":[{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3}]}],"workers":[{"workerName":"Noris","worker_id":1},{"workerName":"Jack","worker_id":2},{"workerName":"Nicky","worker_id":3},{"workerName":"Davis","worker_id":4},{"workerName":"Argyle","worker_id":5},{"workerName":"James","worker_id":6}]}]

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