I'm trying to retrieve JSON data from my firebase data from a constantly updated child. The snapshot key changed on every new data submission. (using sparkpost to send data to firebase). I am trying to figure out a way to structure my retrieval so that it will fetch from the most recent key.
var ref = new Firebase("https://watspark.firebaseio.com/raw-events/");
var _url = ('https://watspark.firebaseio.com/raw-events/');
// Retrieve new posts as they are added to our database
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot, prevChildKey) {
var newPost = snapshot.val();
// console.log("text: " + newPost.text);
// console.log("Title: " + newPost.title);
// console.log("Previous Post ID: " + prevChildKey);
// var fireUrl = ("https://watspark.firebaseio.com/raw-events/" + snapshot.val() + "/0/msys/relay_message/content");
// var bigBoy = new Firebase(fireUrl);
// console.log("text: " + bigBoy.text);
var param = snapshot.key();
ref.orderByChild("0/mysys/relay_message/content/text").on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
console.log(snapshot.key() + "was" + snapshot.val().text);
my JSON data is structured like this:
0 {
How would I go about doing this? Thanks
I was able to do call the most recent child by doing this: