Retrieving only the most specific EReferences of an EClass

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Suppose I have a UML model conforming to the org.eclipse.uml2.uml metamodel. Suppose that this model contains a Class, a Property, and an ownedAttribute relationship between them.

At the Ecore level, the Class and the Property are EObjects, while the ownedAttribute is an EReference.

My task is as follows: given an EObject, retrieve all of its EReferences. I can accomplish this using the following code snippet:

for (EReference eRef : myEObject.eClass().getEAllReferences()) {
    if (eObject.eIsSet(eRef)) {
        // found a relevant EReference

Going back to the UML example above, this code snippet would identify all of the following EReferences: ownedElement, ownedMember, member, feature, attribute, ownedAttribute, role.

My problem: out of the identified EReferences, I would like to keep only ownedAttribute, since this relationship subsets all of the others according to the UML standard. However, the Ecore metamodel does not specify any kind of hierarchy between EReferences. What approach could I use to filter out the more general EReferences that I am not interested in?


There are 1 answers


You can filter out 'derived' references (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature.isDerived() == false).