I have the following PostgreSQL table to store comments on different posts:
Comment table:
commentID | parentID | postID | content | author | created
I want now to retrieve with a single Query, given a postID, all comments to the post AND the number of replies each comment has. A comment is a reply if the parentID is not null and equals then the commentID of its parent.
I tried something like the following where I join the table on its self and look for the matches of parentID = commentID
but I could not get it working and would appreciate some help :)
SELECT comments.commentID as commentID, comments.parentID as parentID, comments.postID as postID,
comments.content as content, comments.author as author, comments.created as created,
COALESCE(c1.numReplies, 0) as numReplies
FROM comments c0
SELECT parentID, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE postID = :givenPostID) as numReplies as numReplies
FROM comments
) c1 on c0.commentID = c1.parentID
WHERE c0.postID = :givenPostID;
This looks like a good spot for a subquery, or a lateral join:
Side note - the query you wanted to write probably is:
The subquery is slightly different: first, it needs a
clause just to be valid SQL; and also, there is no need for a conditional count.