I am trying to retrieve the bcc and bounced back email and move them to another folder called "Done". We use exchange 365
I tried Fetch Bounced emails from Office 365 mailbox using Microsoft Graph and How to trace back bounced messages
It seems that it's for graph API URL. I am trying to use the .net Core graph API plugin.
I am Unable to figure out what the filter looks like in c# as per below "MissingFilter"
var emails = graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Request().Select(x => x.SingleValueExtendedProperties == "MissingFilter"
I try to find out what is SingleValueExtendedProperties and it turns out to be an interface called IMailFolderSingleValueExtendedPropertiesCollectionPage. I am not sure which class that I can use which inherit that interface to create the filter.
Any advices for the filter?
In addition, any sample c# code for moving the messges to "Done" folder? I tried to google and most of the results come up with POST method rather than the .net core plugin. Thanks.