Retargeting on Unreal 5.x: unable to retrieve bone index for track

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I’ve made IK rigs for both my characters on my Unreal Engine 5.2.1, source and target. Then I’ve made a Retargeting IK, where I can see finally my target doing the source animation very well.

my animation image

So everything is perfect, but when I try to export my animation and then, open it, the character is static , no one bones is moved, and it move the full body like following the same path of the animation.

animation retargeting result image

When I look the logs I find various red lines reporting unable to retrieve bone index for track (name of the bone) for root pelvis, arm_l, etc. Where am I wrong? Is it not enough seeing the target on retargeting doing exaclty what I want?

error logs image


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