So my issue is that I am generating a document for one of our products and this item is split between two pages and it adds an extra bullet (as circled below). How can I remove this wrong bullet or simply force the list item to the next page?
Syntax of split line
* I am a very long statement and I create a bullet when I continue on to the next line. Why does this happen? I am using rst2pdf to generate this document. Please send help. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. *(XXXXXX-40A, August 2019)* (`CN-XXXXX <>`_)
pytest = "^5.0"
pylama = "^7.6"
pylint = "^2.2"
pytest-cov = "^2.6"
black = "18.9b0"
sphinx = "^2.0"
docutils = "0.16"
rst2pdf uses the raw directive to insert manual pagebreaks:
Or switch to a different PDF engine (I tried your reST markdown via pandoc - which uses texlive - and the widow/orphan pagination looks fine).
I installed rst2pdf v0.97 and out-of-the-box the PDF also looks fine.
So guess your Sphinx project
(or the rst2pdf stylesheets chosen) must be customized. Try a different stylesheet to see if problem persists, e.g.