Restrict laravel to open url that is not in route

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I am Learning laravel now.

Today I came across a problem that surprised me. I open this link in my browser: http://localhost/laravel/project/ch/resources/views/pages/blog.blade.php And I expect error 404. but it opens contains of this file.

So, How to restrict laravel to do this.

I want laravel to open only url mentioned in routes.otherwise error 404.


There are 1 answers


This is because you access your site from http://localhost. Every file and folder that is inside your root folder is accessible via the browser.

So don't run your project from localhost but from a proper virtual host. For example make and use that to access your site

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/laravel/project/public"

That way you won't be able to access resources/views because it is outside of your document root. (one folder higher than public folder)

You can also upload your site to a webhost and see that you won't be able to access files and folders above your public folder in the browser.