This is the response from my API:
"The number of parameters to execute should be consistent with the expected number of parameters = [2] but the actual number is [0]."
I use pgClient, Vert.x 3.9.3 and consume various REST API's without problems, this query (probably it's wrong)
private static final String SELECT_CBA = "select art.leyenda, $1::numeric(10,3) as cantidad, uni.abreviatura, \r"
+ "round(((art.precio_costo * (art.utilidad_fraccionado/100)) + art.precio_costo) * $2::numeric(10,3),2) as totpagar \r"
+ "FROM public.articulos art join public.unidades uni on uni.idunidad = art.idunidad \r"
+ "WHERE (substring(art.codigobarra,1,2) = \'$3\' and substring(art.codigobarra,3,6) = \'$4\')";
Some explanation
$1 and $2 are the same parameters; $2 and $3 must be quoted parameters.
This is my rest verticle:
poolClient = PgPool.pool(vertx, options, poolOptions);
bizArticulo = new BizArticulo(poolClient);
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
Where :cantcomp1 -> $1, :cantcomp2 -> $2, :tipoprod -> $3 and $4 -> :prodpadre
and finally, this my "business"
public void getOneReadingBarcode(RoutingContext routingContext) {
HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response();
.execute(ar -> {
if (ar.succeeded()) {
RowSet<Row> rows = ar.result();
List<Articulo> articulos = new ArrayList<>();
rows.forEach(row -> {
response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
} else {
System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());
response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
In Postman, I wrote:; where I assume the parameters match, but it returns the error mentioned above. ¿What's wrong? Any help would be appreciated Ernesto
Ok, I answer to myself... First: little fix to my query (SELECT_CB), I put the parameters $1, $2... in parentheses..
Second: got the params from context (see router.context in previous question)
and Third: put the params as arguments
All work's fine