responsive image with maphilight.js

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My images stop being responsive after I enable maphilight.

First I made the imagemaps responsive with rwdImageMaps.js, works fine. But after I enable maphilight the images themselves stop being responsive. (The imagemaps stay responsive though.)

From chrome inspect: without maphilight, With maphilight.

You can see that maphilight.js changes the image with from 100%, responsive to a div with a fixed with and height. How can I make the image / div responsive again? (I also tried ImageMapster but that resulted in the same issue.)

Can somebody help me solve this? Thanks in advance! ;)


There are 2 answers


Please check this link. Responsive image maps with roll-overs

Please also note that you might need to reduce the opacity of your image if it's not transparent, for the solution to work properly

Jolan On

Have you tried to use the library jquerymobile 2.1.1 ? I had the same problem and this worked for me