I am trying to use the response.redirect command in call webmethod and it does not work, see how is my code:
<a onclick="proximaAula()">Próxima Aula -></a>
function proximaAula() {
var tipo = getParameterByName('t');
if (tipo == "1") {
//PageMethods.MyMethod(projekktor('player_a').getPosition(), projekktor('player_a').getDuration(), getParameterByName('codaula'));
PageMethods.NextAula(projekktor('player_a').getPosition(), projekktor('player_a').getDuration(), getParameterByName('codaula'));
if (tipo == "3") {
var iframe = document.getElementById('viewer');
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
var pag;
var npag;
if (iframeDocument) {
elem = iframeDocument.getElementById('pageNumber').value;
npag = iframeDocument.getElementById('numPages').innerHTML;
npag = npag.substring(3, npag.length);
//return "asasdas"; //
//alert(elem + " - " + npag);
if (tipo == "4") {
public static string NextAula(string tempo, string tempomax, string codaula)
escolawebEntities DB = new escolawebEntities();
string link = "";
int icodaula = int.Parse(codaula);
eadaulaaluno eaula = (from x in DB.eadaulaaluno where x.codeadaula == icodaula select x).FirstOrDefault();
tempo = tempo.Substring(0, tempo.IndexOf('.'));
tempomax = tempomax.Substring(0, tempomax.IndexOf('.'));
int ntempo = ((int.Parse(tempo) * 100) / int.Parse(tempomax));
if (tempo == tempomax || eaula.percentual == eaula.percentualmax || ntempo >= 95 )//ou perc ser maior 98%
eadaula aaula = (from x in DB.eadaula where x.eadcodaula == icodaula select x).FirstOrDefault();
eadaula paula = (from x in DB.eadaula
where x.eadcodcursomodulo == aaula.eadcodcursomodulo
where x.ordem == aaula.ordem + 1
select x).FirstOrDefault();
if (paula != null)
//link = "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia;
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia,false);
//Context.Response.StatusCode = 307;
//Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", "<redirect URL>");
// HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 307;
// HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia);
//HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia);
//link = "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia;
return "";
I can not use a command to redirect the page, I've tried several ways, such as the return link via string etc ...
This code works as follows: I click the link, it calls a javascript function, this function takes some information of some components of the page and sends it to serverside by a webmethod.
A webmethod can not redirect a website to a different address using Response.Redirect. It will send an XML Response back to the caller. Try to send required information from the webmethod and then use it to redirect your page.