Response.Redirect in a Webmethod

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I am trying to use the response.redirect command in call webmethod and it does not work, see how is my code:


<a onclick="proximaAula()">Próxima Aula -></a>


 function proximaAula() {
    var tipo = getParameterByName('t');
    if (tipo == "1") {
        //PageMethods.MyMethod(projekktor('player_a').getPosition(), projekktor('player_a').getDuration(), getParameterByName('codaula'));
        PageMethods.NextAula(projekktor('player_a').getPosition(), projekktor('player_a').getDuration(), getParameterByName('codaula'));
    if (tipo == "3") {
        var iframe = document.getElementById('viewer');
        var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
        var pag;
        var npag;
        if (iframeDocument) {
            elem = iframeDocument.getElementById('pageNumber').value;
            npag = iframeDocument.getElementById('numPages').innerHTML;
            npag = npag.substring(3, npag.length);
        //return "asasdas"; // 
        //alert(elem + " - " + npag);
    if (tipo == "4") {


    public static string NextAula(string tempo, string tempomax, string codaula)
        escolawebEntities DB = new escolawebEntities();
        string link = "";
        int icodaula = int.Parse(codaula);

        eadaulaaluno eaula = (from x in DB.eadaulaaluno where x.codeadaula == icodaula select x).FirstOrDefault();

        tempo = tempo.Substring(0, tempo.IndexOf('.'));
        tempomax = tempomax.Substring(0, tempomax.IndexOf('.'));

        int ntempo = ((int.Parse(tempo) * 100) / int.Parse(tempomax));

        if (tempo == tempomax || eaula.percentual == eaula.percentualmax || ntempo >= 95 )//ou perc ser maior 98%
            eadaula aaula = (from x in DB.eadaula where x.eadcodaula == icodaula select x).FirstOrDefault();
            eadaula paula = (from x in DB.eadaula 
                             where x.eadcodcursomodulo == aaula.eadcodcursomodulo
                             where x.ordem == aaula.ordem + 1
                             select x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (paula != null)
                //link = "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia;
                HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia,false);
                //Context.Response.StatusCode = 307;
                //Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", "<redirect URL>");

               // HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 307;

               // HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia);
                //HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia);
                //link = "eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia;
        return "";

I can not use a command to redirect the page, I've tried several ways, such as the return link via string etc ...

This code works as follows: I click the link, it calls a javascript function, this function takes some information of some components of the page and sends it to serverside by a webmethod.


There are 2 answers

Piyush Parashar On

A webmethod can not redirect a website to a different address using Response.Redirect. It will send an XML Response back to the caller. Try to send required information from the webmethod and then use it to redirect your page.

RobertoNovelo On

Either if you are calling an async method, or redirecting based on values on the website, you can use this line to redirect the website:

document.location.href = url;

Instead of using redirect on your server code, send the link directly from [WebMethod] -NextAula and use it on the js side.

"eadVerAula.aspx?codaula=" + paula.eadcodaula + "&t=" + paula.eadcodmidia" , return this value.