I cloned raspbian SO by "SD card copier". In that SO I configured no-ip web-server redirection (no-ip duc).
When I start raspbian clone in other location it steal ip redirect from it's original twin.
Using original SO with ethernet, and configured no-ip duc with ethernet, I figured out to solve problem by starting cloned SO with wifi, but it not worked!
The problem is: how to prevent cloned-SO (when started) steals ip-redirect of origonal-SO. Someone has an idea to do that? Tank you.
I found a solution (but maybe exists some simpler).
Concept: add a bash script to crontab and verify if router MAC-address match with specific router.
The bash script is (note: chmod +x):
This is a generic function callback (function_MATCH or function_MISMATCH). To use this script to activate no-ip service only if router match desired one, change function_MATCH() with following one:
then, save script (where you prefer) and edit crontab by calling, in terminal:
finally, call script in crontab adding it at the end.
for example (be carefull to add right script-path):
Note: no-ip service need a connection to update ip-redirect. doing verification after 60secs from SO-start prevent no connection available.
I know, its quite complicated. If someone has a smarter solution.. tank you.