Resign iOS Application .iPA file without changing BundleId

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background: we are getting iOS apps ( .ipa ) from external developers ( their apps may be submitted in the appstore ), and they want submit their apps in our internal store just by sending their .ipa to us

we are installing apps using ota, by sending plist to our endusers, itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=[PLIST_URL]

i was using some GUI signing tools such as iResign, iOS App Resigner and AppResigner, injecting custom entitlements, injection App Transport Security into info.plist. and when i tried to install apps which are signed by these tools, install popup is shown correctly, but after a while the application icon changes to disabled Gray and nothing happen then.

question: how we can resign their iPA files with our enterprise certificate without changing their bundleId

do i need any provision? if yes Ad-Hoc or in-house? Explicit Or Wildcard, if Explicit, so we try to confirm an Explicit AppId for third party developer iPA and we got an error that said an AppId with com.domain.blah is not available, please enter a different string

any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Some Research:


There are 1 answers

Taier On

Yes it's totally possible via iOS App Signer

You would need a provision that matches the bundle ID that you would like to have.