resetting http session time out with httpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(sec) is not working

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setMaxInactiveInterval(10*60); to set maximum inactive interval to 10 minutes when user logged in, and reseeting it to -1 (undefined) when user opened websocket, since web socket is a protected resource in the web application, that is to say, required an authorized user to access it. I am able to make other request when websocket connecttion is opened, once user closes web socket connection i am re-setting httpsession timeout to 10 mins but httpsession invalidated immediatly after web socket closed. how to keep httpsession alive after closing websocket connection? here is code snippet

public void onOpen(final Session s, EndpointConfig config)throws IOException   {
    this.httpSession = (HttpSession)   

    //maintaining all opened websocket for httpsession in one map 

public void onClose( Session session,CloseReason reason) {
    try {
        HttpSession http_session= webSession.get(Session);

    } catch (IOException e) {

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