Based on vCloud API documentation user suppose to send the next query
Authorization: Basic encoded-credentials
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.5
200 OK
x-vcloud-authorization: cn9uYmdugN8E2j96+5Lqrc3YBvFsEgDHXzyfJrJ/6bM=
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=5.5
I am trying to do the same using python, see the method down below
def vcloud_send():
vcloud = requests.Session()
result = base64.b64encode(b'user@org:password')
headers = {'Authorization': b"encoded login:password",
'Accept': 'application/*+xml'}
response = vcloud.request('POST', url='https://host/api/session', headers=headers, verify=False)
return response
And I get 406
<Response [406]>
Please tell me why does this happen and what is a reason, because I expect to get a content