The documentation for tilestache is a little sparse. Is there a way to transform a point (lon/lat) in wgs84 to a target projection?
target_srid = 3095
target_proj4_str = '+proj=utm +zone=54 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=-146.414,507.337,680.507,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'
I've noticed that there is a tranform object in ModestMaps at:
But I'm not clear on how it can be used.
Your best bet is the Proj4Projection class under “Goodies”:
I’m currently only including WGS84 and Spherical Mercator in the core of TileStache, but the contributed module above should help you. Be aware that you need to figure out a transformation in addition to a projection, explained in this excellent guide from Per Liedman: