Replacement for wsimport since JDK 11

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I'm currently working on a project which needs wsimport, but we use JDK 11 and I discovered, that wsimport was removed from JDK since this version.

I searched for answers and I tried adding this dependency, but it's not working at the moment.


Is there any replacement for wsimport that I'm not aware of?

Thank you!


There are 6 answers

Giorgi Tsiklauri On

Actually, none of the provided answers work.

What works is this:

  1. Add this plugin (configure it according to your needs):

        <!--possibly some other plugins...-->

            <version>4.0.2</version> <!--use latest version-->
                    <wsdlUrl></wsdlUrl> <!--Sure enough, you change this with the real URL-->
                Alternatively you can use:

        <!--possibly some other plugins...-->

  1. Add this dependency:
    <!--Possibly some other dependencies...-->

    <!--Possibly some other dependencies...-->
  1. Execute mvn clean generate-resources (or any later phase from the Default Lifecycle).
Etienne Ringot On

It's works, finally! Just in case someone has the same problem :

I wanted to use maven build to generate the sources, with this pom.xml :


But the solution is to run wsimport directly with the console :

wsimport -d target/generated-sources/jaxws-wsimport/ -s target/generated-sources/jaxws-wsimport/ src/main/resources/schemas/myWSDLFile.wsdl

And of course, I'm using JDK 11

Christopher Shirley On

I'm going to add what I've found through my research into upgrading to JDK11 in case it helps someone else.

Wsimport was deprecated as a part of the JDK, but was open sourced to the Eclipse Foundation. You can download it with the following link:


They have changed wsimport from an executable to a bat/sh script that calls the jaxws-tools.jar file. I have not actually seen it work and always get a ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataSource. I have even changed their script to include the javax.activation-api-1.2.0.jar and it still does not work. It does not matter if I attempt a build through Maven or run it command-line.

This was my plugin configuration:


I also used the following so that I could develop on Windows and Jenkins could build on Linux:

Maarten Damen On

The jaxws-maven-plugin is not updated yet for JDK 11. There is a pull request open on the project, but it is not merged yet.

A temporary solution for wsimport is proposed here:, which probably works fine on Linux.

On our project we are working with Windows environments and we fixed the wsimport according to the following example:

                        <mkdir dir="target/generated-sources/wsimport"/>

                        <property name="plugin_classpath" refid="maven.plugin.classpath" />

                        <exec executable="java">
                            <arg value="-classpath"/>
                            <arg value="${plugin_classpath}"/>
                            <arg value=""/>
                            <arg value="-extension"/>
                            <arg value="-Xnocompile"/>
                            <arg value="-wsdllocation"/>
                            <arg value="/MyWSDL.wsdl"/>
                            <arg value="-s"/>
                            <arg value="target/generated-sources/wsimport"/>
                            <arg value="-p"/>
                            <arg value=""/>
                            <arg value="src/main/resources/MyWSDL.wsdl"/>

            <!-- module -->
                        <!-- declare the exclusion here -->

            <!-- javax.activation -->

            <!-- wsimport -->
Florian Prud'homme On

Today, you can use a fork as a direct replacement of org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:2.5:

</plugin> It works well with jdk11

Gustavo Passini On

The latest version of the plugin (2.6 by now) works with Java 11.