ReplaceAll not working

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I'm using google volley to retrieve source code from website. Some looping was done to capture the value in the code. I've successfully captured the data I wanted, but error was shown: NumberFormatException: Invalid float: "2,459.00"

My intention was to store the value after the class=ListPrice> Sample: RM 2,899.00

The example value of the source code I wanted to save is "RM2,459.00 "

Below is the code I've written:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    lelongResult = (TextView) findViewById(;

    RequestQueue lelong = MyVolley.getRequestQueue(this);
    StringRequest myLel = new StringRequest(
            RetrieveLelong(), createMyReqErrorListener());


private Response.Listener<String> RetrieveLelong() {
    return new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {
            ArrayList<Float> integers = new ArrayList<>();
            String to = "class=ListPrice>";
            String remainingText = response;
            String showP = "";
            while (remainingText.indexOf(to) >= 0) {
                String tokenString = remainingText.substring(remainingText
                        .indexOf(to) + to.length());
                String priceString = tokenString.substring(0,
                float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("[^\\d,]+", "").trim());                  
                integers.add((price / 100));
                remainingText = tokenString;
            for (int i = 0; i < integers.size(); i++) {
                String test1 = Float.toString(integers.get(i));
                showP += test1 + "\n";

The problem was as below:

I've tried all sort of replaceAll(),

1)replaceAll("[^\d,]+","") result:2,89900

replace all character except digits and comma works.

2)replaceAll("[^\d]+","") result:Invalid int""

replace all character include comma and dot ,not working

3)replaceAll("[^\d.]+,"") result:Invalid int""

replace all character exclude digits and dot, not working

From the experiment 2&3 coding above,I've noticed that if the comma were removed,i cant parseFloat as the value received by it is: "".NumberFormatException:Invalid Float:"" shown.

From the experiment 1,NumberFormatException:Invalid Float "2,45900" is showned.

The problem was replacing comma ,the code will not work but with the presence of comma ,the value cannot be stored into string


There are 5 answers

N Dorigatti On

Try to parse the number by specifying the Locale.

NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.KOREAN);
Number number = format.parse(priceString.replaceAll("RM", ""));
double d = number.doubleValue();

I'm just guessing the locale, don't know what you should use, depends on country

N Dorigatti On

the problem is that in your code:

priceString.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(","), "");
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("\\D+\\s+", "").trim());  

You are replacing coma but not storing the value! you have to do:

priceString = priceString.replaceAll(",", "");
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("\\D+\\s+", "").trim());    

I'm not sure of the pattern "\D+\s" because if you remove the coma you don't need to replace anything else (except "RM" that i assume you already removed)

Update: set locale and parse a number:

   NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.KOREAN); 
Number number = format.parse(priceString.replaceAll("RM", "")); 
double d = number.doubleValue();
Shakeeb Ayaz On

You need to do it one by one

 priceString=priceString.replaceAll("\\D", "");

 priceString=priceString.replaceAll("\\s", "");


 float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString);
Amarjit On

use `replaceAll(Pattern.quote(","), "");


if you want only numbers then use this

String s1= s.replaceAll("\D+","");

Benjamin Guino On

try this:

float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("RM", "").trim());