replace zero values with previous non-zero values

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I need a fast way in Matlab to do something like this (I am dealing with huge vectors, so a normal loop takes forever!):

from a vector like

[0 0 2 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 7 0]

I need to get this:

[NaN NaN 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7 7]

Basically, each zero value is replaced with the value of the previous non-zero one. The first are NaN because there is no previous non-zero element in the vector.


There are 4 answers


Try this, not sure about speed though. Got to run so explanation will have to come later if you need it:

interp1(1:nnz(A), A(A ~= 0), cumsum(A ~= 0), 'NearestNeighbor')
Carl Witthoft On

Just for reference, here are some similar/identical functions from exchange central and/or SO columns.

nearestpoint ,

try knnimpute function.

Or best of all, a function designed to do exactly your task:

repnan (obviously, first replace your zero values with NaN)

Andrey Rubshtein On

I had a similar problem once, and decided that the most effective way to deal with it is to write a mex file. The c++ loop is extremely trivial. After you'l figure out how to work with mex interface, it will be very easy.

Luis Mendo On

Try this (it uses the cummax function, introduced in R2014b):

i1 = x==0;
i2 = cummax((1:numel(x)).*~i1);
x(i1&i2) = x(i2(i3));
x(~i2) = NaN;