Replace , with . in input field bound to property using Angular 1

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I have an input field that is supposed to contain numbers. It is bound to an object property. I want input entered as 4,5 to automatically get converted to 4.5 in both model and view.


<input data-ng-model="productContent(product.Id).Org" value="{{productContent(product.Id).Org | replaceComma}}" />


$scope.productContent = function (prodId) {
    var content = $.grep($scope.productsContent, function (el) { return el.ProdId === prodId });
    return content[0];}  


app.filter('replaceComma', function () {
            return function (val) {
                return (typeof val) == "string" ? val.toString().trim().replace(",", ".") : val


When I enter a number, at first the model (productContent) retrieves the correct object. Then the filter code is called and returns a correctly converted string. I would expect both the model and view to be updated to the filtered value, but both are updated with the unfiltered value. What am I doing wrong?


There are 1 answers

Helvio On

I have faced the same problem in the past but instead of creating my own filter, I took a different path and found something ready to use instead.

angular-input-masks by assisrafael one of my favourite angular extensions for this purpose:


Since the author has written the documentation, I don't want to get extensive on it and be outdated in the future. As a quick reference, look for ui-number-mask.

Maybe this is not a direct answer to your question, since it's not replacing commas with periods, but making you type the decimals instead.

On a side note, you can suppress the thousands separators with ui-hide-group-sep

I hope that's helpful, otherwise leave a comment and I'll be happy to continue to assist you!
