Replace text with {} symbol in Jerry?

269 views Asked by At

I have the following code:


I tried by following but it gave an error.

    Jerry doc = Jerry.jerry(FileUtil.readString(file));
doc.$("#customerDetails").text( + "&lt;BR/&gt;" + ci.addr1);

Here the text which will be replaced by {customerDetails} should be independent, thats why i do not want to take any help of tags. If i give any tag for {customerDetails}, "To" will be distrubed.

I want to replace the "{customerDetails}" with some text without take any help of html tags or css classes and id's. Is it possible?


There are 2 answers


First of all, this is not a javascript question, but Java question. It's about Jodd Jerry, parsing library in Java that looks very similar to jQuery. So all jsfiddle solutions here does not help, and I believe some negative scores on this question are not ok.

Anyway, the @Archer solution is one that can you give a good direction. Here is the java version of the same:

Jerry doc = Jerry.jerry("<p>to<br>{customerDetails}</p>");

doc.$("p").each(new JerryFunction() {
    public boolean onNode(Jerry $this, int index) {
        String innerHtml = $this.html();
        innerHtml = StringUtil.replace(
            innerHtml, "{customerDetails}", "Jodd <b>rocks</b>");
        return true;

String newHtml = doc.html();
assertEquals("<p>to<br>Jodd <b>rocks</b></p>", newHtml);

Jerry still does not have html(function) type of method implemented (it's on todo), so you have to use each explicitly.

Note that you can not search for #customerDetails as you don't have any DOM element with this ID. What you could do instead, is to have an empty placeholder div or a span like this:

<p>to<br><span id="#custdet">{customerDetails}</span></p>

and then you would be able to do something like you wrote in the question.

Anyway, I would try to solve this in a different way, if possible. If you already have a marker and HTML content, can you simply replace it without parsing?

Reinstate Monica Cellio On

This will work with your exact html above...

$("p").html(function(i, html) {
    return html.replace("{customerDetails}", + "<br />" + ci.addr1);

If there are other paragraph tags in the page then it will run against them as well. As I commented above, we really need more information to give you a good answer, rather than just an answer.

jsfiddle example...