Repair broken Anaconda env

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My anaconda was completely broken so reinstalled it entirely. During the install I noticed that the anaconda3 file was no longer in at the root but in the "opt" folder.

So now here's the problem: there was an environment that was a particular pain to set up so I kept the "envs" folder safe, and pasted back into the "anaconda3" folder. But now jupyter notebook/lab is broken, since it is looking in:

~/anaconda3/etc etc

when it should be looking in

~opt/anaconda3/etc etc

More specifically the error I get is:

(ENV_NAME) user:~ me$ jupyter notebook

-bash: /Users/USER_NAME/opt/anaconda3/envs/ENV_NAME/bin/jupyter: /Users/USER_NAME/anaconda3/envs/ENV_NAME/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Can this be fixed without having to delete all my environments and set them all up again?


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