I would like to reorder arrays when using mobx state tree.
Say I have this example taken from the example page. How do I get to reorder my ToDos in the TodoStore.
As a simplified example, say my todos are ['todo1, todo2'], how do I change them so that the new array is ['todo2, todo1']?
const Todo = types
text: types.string,
completed: false,
id: types.identifierNumber
.actions((self) => ({
remove() {
edit(text) {
if (!text.length) self.remove()
else self.text = text
toggle() {
self.completed = !self.completed
const TodoStore = types
todos: types.array(Todo),
filter: types.optional(filterType, SHOW_ALL)
.views((self) => ({
get completedCount() {
return self.todos.filter((todo) => todo.completed).length
.actions((self) => ({
addTodo(text) {
const id = self.todos.reduce((maxId, todo) => Math.max(todo.id, maxId), -1) + 1
self.todos.unshift({ id, text })
removeTodo(todo) {
export default TodoStore
Thanks a lot!
If you want move the second todo to the first index in the array you could create a new action and
the second todo out and thenunshift
it back in: