I searched it, but I am not able to find any out-of-the-box task for a build pipeline of AzureDevOps to perform the following tasks;
- file rename (in my case it's a Javascript file)
- replace placeholder like the following: #placeholder# inside the renamed .js file
Is there something available out-of-the box to perform this tasks?
For first part you can call simply from powershell/script task and rename-item:
Or mv command and bash task.
For the second part you may use Token replace extension
so let's say you have file
and in yaml
and for that token
is replaced byImage
variable.This is my pipeline:
Task group has task fro replacing tokens.
Here is variable declaration:
and token was replaced as expected:
If you want to use powershell to replace tokens you can try this
All credit goes to Tim Hobson