Remove the automatically display of getter in POJO

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Below I have given my POJO structure and the current out put and expected output. My requirement is, when I am printing the JSON format the variable called "applicationUsage " automatically included in my output JSON as key, But I dont want to add "applicationUsage " key in my json format and only wants to show the values stored in this field. Can anyone help me with the code.

    @JsonRootName(value = "MediationUserCacheRequest")
    @JsonTypeInfo(include = As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = Id.NAME)
    @JsonTypeName(value = "MediationUserCacheRequest")
    @JsonPropertyOrder({ "eventName", "eventType", "action" })
    public class MedationUsageReport implements Serializable {
        private final static long serialVersionUID = -2077028266055844229L;
        private String eventName;
        private String eventType;
        private String action;
        private Map<String, List<MediationApplicationUsageResport>> applicationUsage = null;

        public String getEventName() {
            return eventName;

        public void setEventName(String eventName) {
            this.eventName = eventName;

        public String getEventType() {
            return eventType;

        public void setEventType(String eventType) {
            this.eventType = eventType;

        public String getAction() {
            return action;

        public void setAction(String action) {
            this.action = action;

        public Map<String, List<MediationApplicationUsageResport>> getApplicationUsage() {
            return applicationUsage;

        public void setApplicationUsage(Map<String, List<MediationApplicationUsageResport>> applicationUsage) {
            this.applicationUsage = applicationUsage;


{"MediationUserCacheRequest":{"eventName":"STORAGE","eventType":"CURRENT_USAGE","action":"usagereport","applicationUsage":{"nuxeo":[ ...


{"MediationUserCacheRequest":{"eventName":"STORAGE","eventType":"CURRENT_USAGE","action":"usagereport",{"nuxeo":[ ...

There are 2 answers


Simply mark it with @JsonAnyGetter annotation.

public Map<String, List<MediationApplicationUsageResport>> getApplicationUsage() {
            return applicationUsage;
Uri Shalit On

Try annotating the getApplicationUsage() getter with @JsonUnwrapped