So I have a box widget and a foldable widget tab that has many fields. How can I get rid of the first fields as well as other n-fields, which could be field 4 or 9 or 7th field?
<div class = "widgetPanel containerWidgetPanel foldableBox">
<div class="boxBody">
<table class="widgetTable containerWidgetTable">
<td class="boldColumn containerLabel">
<td class="fieldColumn containerField">
<td class="boldColumn containerLabel">
<td class="fieldColumn containerField">
<td class="boldColumn containerLabel">
<td class="fieldColumn containerField">
This is what I have so far... Only for the first field...
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery( "tr td" ).first().remove();
Any help would be appreicated! Thanks!
- for example to remove 4thtd
:If you want to remove both
s in first row, use this: