Remove " Automatically Extracted Metadata and Version History " from Liferay portlet

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i want to remove the " Automatically Extracted Metadata and Version History " and the things like : " Version 1.0 Last Updated by Admin 5/5/15 5:24 PM Status: Approved
Download (911k) Get URL or WebDAV URL." form the Documents and Media Portlet. How do i achieve this?


There are 1 answers

Gevatterjan On

As posted here:

Remove the com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.RawMetadataProcessorImpl from the dl.file.entry.processors in

# Input a list of comma delimited class names that implement
# com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.DLProcessor. These classes will
# trigger asynchronous processing for document library files.
# com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.PDFProcessor will process all
# PDF files and, if OpenOffice is enabled, all formats convertable to PDF.
# Image generation will use PDFBox by default unless ImageMagick is enabled.
# PDFBox is less accurate in image generation and has trouble with certain
# fonts.

Another Approach would be to hook the Document Library and remove the relevant parts from the jsp.