remote FileChooser using OtrosVFSBrowser

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I'm trying to do a remote filechooser. I read a lot of information but I don't get it. The best site I've seen is ( because is exactly what I want but I don't fine more information. Are Someone of you using this tool? where are any example code? I already use JSCH library to transfer via SFTP, but I want a tool to choose the remote path. I'm starting in Java. sorry for my English.


There are 1 answers

KrzyH On

You can check example code on Usage page You can just create dialog and register action on approve:

JOtrosVfsBrowserDialog jOtrosVfsBrowserDialog = new JOtrosVfsBrowserDialog();
Action a = new AbstractAction("Select file") {
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

    if (JOtrosVfsBrowserDialog.ReturnValue.Approve.equals(jOtrosVfsBrowserDialog.showOpenDialog(TestDialog.this,"title"))){
        String friendlyUrl = jOtrosVfsBrowserDialog.getSelectedFile().getName().getFriendlyURI();