Reminder/Alarm in ionic 2

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I am trying to implement reminder/alarm after a certain period of time in ionic2.I have found this plugin but I want to implement it using typescript as this is no recognizing window.wakeuptimer using in the below-mentioned code:

window.wakeuptimer.wakeup( successCallback,  

   // a list of alarms to set


        alarms : [{

            type : 'onetime',

            time : { hour : 14, minute : 30 },

            extra : { message : 'json containing app-specific information to be posted when alarm triggers' }, 

            message : 'Alarm has expired!'




Can anyone help me out in this


There are 2 answers

Phillip Hartin On

The plugin you are attempting to use is almost 3 years old. Older than Ionic 2 itself. You should look at the native plugins listed at

In the past I have used the Local Notifications plugin ( to handle reminders/alarms.

It is quite simple to schedule, all you have to do is create a Date object for the time you wish to notify. Here is an example using the data you provided:

import { LocalNotifications } from 'ionic-native';

// Schedule delayed notification 

   text: 'Alarm has expired!',
   at: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600),
   sound: isAndroid ? 'file://sound.mp3': 'file://beep.caf',
   data: { message : 'json containing app-specific information to be posted when alarm triggers' }
Hardik Vaghani On

To trigger it repeatedly, you can use below code. It will trigger notification daily. Reference

import { LocalNotifications, ILocalNotification } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications/ngx';

const timeAt = new Date(this.notifyAt);
const hour = timeAt.getHours();
const minute = timeAt.getMinutes();

const title = 'Notify...';
const text = 'Hi, this is test notification.';

const notifications: ILocalNotification[] = Array(7).fill(0).map((_, idx) => {
    return { title, text, trigger: { every: {weekday: idx + 1, hour, minute} }
