Remedy tickets using arsys java api

1.3k views Asked by At

Using the Remedy client I can view information about tickets of my group, but I tried to get the same information using arsys java api without any good result. I got the fileds names, but can't get the data entries of the fields. I am interested in a table content I get when I click a button of the form. Here is some code:

    try {
        //Auth. OK
        List<Field> fields = ctx.getListFieldObjects("NO Main Control Panel");
        for(int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++){
        int[] ids = new int[fields.size()];
        int index = 0;
        for (Field field : fields) {
             ids[index++] = field.getFieldID();
       String strQualifier = "'Ticket Id TT'=\"NO0000001128408\"";
       QualifierInfo officiallyQualified = ctx.parseQualification("NO Main Control Panel", strQualifier);
       List<Entry> entries = ctx.getListEntryObjects("NO Main Control Panel",
               officiallyQualified, 0, Constants.AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE, null, ids, true, null);

    } catch (ARException e) {

Here is some of the errors I got:

ERROR (286): Display only fields cannot be included in a query to the database;       536871034

Thanks in advance


There are 3 answers

woytech On

Please specify more details about the form (OOTB/custom) and the field that you include in your query. Please check in the Developer tool if the field 'Ticket Id TT' is display only.

mkv On

The error means that you can not use a display only field in your qualification. From your code it looks like Field Ticket Id TT has id 536871034. The field is probably filled from a different source field. Try to look a the workflow for displaying the record.

JoSSte On

Display Only fields do not store any value in the database - any field used in a query should be a regular field.

if you are in doubt, refer to the database reference on the BMC documentation site