Using the Remedy client I can view information about tickets of my group, but I tried to get the same information using arsys java api without any good result. I got the fileds names, but can't get the data entries of the fields. I am interested in a table content I get when I click a button of the form. Here is some code:
try {
//Auth. OK
List<Field> fields = ctx.getListFieldObjects("NO Main Control Panel");
for(int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++){
int[] ids = new int[fields.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Field field : fields) {
ids[index++] = field.getFieldID();
String strQualifier = "'Ticket Id TT'=\"NO0000001128408\"";
QualifierInfo officiallyQualified = ctx.parseQualification("NO Main Control Panel", strQualifier);
List<Entry> entries = ctx.getListEntryObjects("NO Main Control Panel",
officiallyQualified, 0, Constants.AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE, null, ids, true, null);
} catch (ARException e) {
Here is some of the errors I got:
ERROR (286): Display only fields cannot be included in a query to the database; 536871034
Thanks in advance
Please specify more details about the form (OOTB/custom) and the field that you include in your query. Please check in the Developer tool if the field 'Ticket Id TT' is display only.