Reloading TINYMCE 3.5 with AJAX and PHP

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I have a problem with updating the content of a WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE 3.5) on a HTML web using PHP and AJAX.

the initial code of "news.php":

<script type="text/javascript">

    // General options
    mode : "textareas",
    theme : "advanced",

      <select id="id_languages" name="id_languages" onchange="recibeid('loading_news_language.php', 'id_news=<?php echo $id_news;?>&id_languages='+document.getElementById('id_laguanges').value+'', '', 'load_news_language');">

          $row_idiomas = get_languages();
          for($i = 0; $i<count($row_languages); $i++){
        <option value="<?php echo $row_languages[$i]["id_languages"];?>"><?php echo $row_languages[$i]["name"];?>
          } //close bucle for


<div class="rowform"></div><!-- rowform -->
<div id="load_news_language">
      <?php include("loading_news_language.php");?>

when first loaded "loading_news_language.php" the Tiny editor works fine, but if the used the tag "selector" when click diferent language, dont load the editor again, only de content. I need to reload the editor.

The code of loading_new_language.php:


<textarea name="text" id ="text" rows="1" style="height: 300px;">
        {echo $_POST["text"];}
        elseif (isset($_GET["id_news"])) 
        {echo $row_news_languages["text"]; }

thank in advance all those who try to help.


There are 1 answers

brance On

That happens when you dynamically try to change the WYSIWYG Editor, it just breaks. What you need to do is, re-initiliase the Editor each time you change the content.

You need to remove the TinyMCE Editor, then "re-add" it again, with the new content, using the following function, where IDofYourEditor has to be replaced with the ID of your tinyMCE Editor.


And after loading your new content to the editor, you have to re-initilise the editor again, just like you did already in your example:

  // General options
  mode : "textareas",
  theme : "advanced",

This way your editor should work properly.