Regular expression for a MAC Address with default value exception

94 views Asked by At

From the regex pattern for specific type of MAC address is mentioned here.


While defining the MAC address variable under this pattern, how do I can define an exception of default value as empty string in yang files.


Yang file, regex definition

  typedef mac-address-type {
    type string {
      pattern "[a-fA-F0-9]{2}(:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}){5}";

Variable definition:

type aye:mac-address-type;  

How do this variable also accept an empty string in default value.


There are 1 answers

predi On

Define a new type that includes the existing one into its definition and therefore expands its value space. YANG has a union built-in type that allows you to do just that. A value is considered to be valid if it matches at least one type in the union of types.

In YANG version 1.1:

  typedef mac-address-type {
    type string {
      pattern "[a-fA-F0-9]{2}(:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}){5}";

  leaf mac-or-empty {
    type union {
      type aye:mac-address-type;
      type empty;
    default "";

In YANG version 1:

  typedef mac-address-type {
    type string {
      pattern "[a-fA-F0-9]{2}(:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}){5}";

  leaf mac-or-empty {
    type union {
      type mac-address-type;
      type string {
        pattern ''; // length 0; // as an alternative 
    default "";

This would mean that the valid value space for the mac-or-empty leaf would be MAC addresses or an empty string.

Note: a MAC address type has already been published by the IETF as part of ietf-inet-types YANG module (ietf-inet-types:mac-address), RFC 6991, so there's no need to define your own.

The union built-in type is described in detail in RFC 7950, Section 9.12.