I'm trying to register MPEG-4 as a dragged type using pyobjc with the specific goal of being able to drag voice memos directly out of the app into my own python application.
I tried registering UTI types "public.audio", "public.mpeg-4-audio", NSPasteboard.URLType and NSPasteboard.fileURLType as per Apples Official Documentation. However dropping a file on my program always resulted in the same error: "The document x could not be opened. Python cannot open files in the 'Apple MPEG-4 audio' format.
Here is a minimal reproducible example:
from AppKit import NSApplication, NSObject, NSDragOperationCopy, NSWindow, NSView, NSPasteboard, NSPasteboard
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
class DropView(NSView):
def initWithFrame_(self, frame):
self = super(DropView, self).initWithFrame_(frame)
if self:
self.registerForDraggedTypes_(["public.audio", "public.mpeg-4-audio", NSPasteboard.URLType, NSPasteboard.fileURLType])
return self
def draggingEntered_(self, sender):
pboard = sender.draggingPasteboard()
return NSDragOperationCopy
def performDragOperation_(self, sender):
pboard = sender.draggingPasteboard()
return True
class AppDelegate(NSObject):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification):
self.window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_(((100, 100), (400, 300)), 1 << 1 | 1 << 10, 2, False)
self.window.setTitle_("Drag-and-Drop Example")
drop_view = DropView.alloc().initWithFrame_(((0, 0), (400, 300)))
def run_app():
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init()
if __name__ == '__main__':