I have numerous addresses that I need to match against each other (mother/children) some addresses have apt, suite etc etc at the end of the line-Been trying to find ways to get entire line w/o that last part-
with addy as (select '22 W JAMESTOWN ST APT 22' as addy from dual union
select '22 W JAMESTOWN ST 22' as addy from dual)
select addy.*,regexp_substr(addy,'(\d*)(\D*)(\s)',1,1,'i') as no_ from addy;
Final result should be: 22 W JAMESTOWN ST This is in oracle- The look ahead function does not seem to work- '/.+?(?=APT)/' has no effect
The first line works, the 2nd does not. Any input appreciated- TIA Lawrence
Instead of
, you can tryREGEX_REPLACE
to remove the extra information from the end of the address.Query