REGEX - How can I select/mark 3 works delimited by tabs on a consecutive lines?

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Happy New Year !

I have a problem. I don’t know how to marks\select some words delimited by tabs on a consecutive lines: Recent, Coments and Tags

please see this print screen:

I can easy to put | sign, like: Recent|Comments|Tags but this will select all the words in the files that repeats, and I want only those 3 on those lines.

What I want is to make a regex, to remove all text before those 3 words, and another regex to remove everything after those 3 words.

I try something like this ((?s)((^.*)^.*Recente.*$|^.*Coments.*$|^.*Tags.*^))(.*$)but is not very good. And I have to pay atention, because those words can repeated in the text files, so I have to select\mark exactly those 3, on that 3 consecutive line (that doesn't have any other words on it)


There are 2 answers


Since you mentioned in a comment that you want to do this in Notepad++ (a fact that should have been mentioned in the question text), and since the screenshot shows a single space after the first two words, you might try this regular expression:

.*\n([ \t]+Recente\s+Coments\s+Tags).*

It will select everything, but capture the 3 words including whitespace between them and whitespace preceding first word on same line.

If you then replace with $1, everything not in the capture group will be removed.

enter image description here

Actually, the spaces after the first two words don't matter to this regex.

S.C On

Could you please try this in perl:

perl -0777 -ne 'while(m/((\s|\t)+)Recent\n\1Comments\n\1Tags/g){print "$&\n";}' /path/to/file

To breakdown:

  • Start with 1 or more tab characters (first capture group)
  • Then "Recent" followed by new line
  • Capture group, Comments and new line
  • Capture group, Tags

By the way, is "tab" really tab or multiple consecutive whitespaces (\s+)?