I have implemented the Self-Organizing Map(SOM) algorithm in MATLAB. Suppose each of the data points are represented in 2-dimensional space. The problem is that I want to visualize the movement of each of the data points in the training phase i.e. I want to see how the points are moving and eventually forming clusters as the algorithm is in progress say at every fix duration. I believe that this can be done through Simulation in MATLAB,but I don't know how to incorporate my MATLAB code for visualization?
Regarding visualization of movement of the data points in training of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) using Simulink
1.1k views Asked by Sujeet At
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I developed a code example to visualize clustering data with multiple dimensions using all possible data projection in 2-D. It may not be the best idea for visualization (there are techniques developed for this, as SOM itself may be used for this need), specially for a higher dimension numbers, but when the number of possible projections
is not that high it is a quite good visualizer.Cluster Algorithm
Since I needed access to the code so that I could save the cluster means and cluster labels for each iteration, I used a fast kmeans algorithm available at FEX by Mo Chen, but I had to adapt it so I could have this access. The adapted code is the following:
Gif Creation
I also used @Amro's Matlab video tutorial for the gif creation.
Distinguishable Colors
I used this great FEX by Tim Holy for making the cluster colors easier to distinguish.
Resulting code
My resulting code is as follows. I had some issues because the number of clusters would change for each iteration which would cause scatter plot update to delete all cluster centers without giving any errors. Since I didn't noticed that, I was trying to workaround the scatter function with any obscure method that I could find the web (btw, I found a really nice scatter plot alternative here), but fortunately I got what was happening going back to this today. Here is the code I did for it, you may feel free to use it, adapt it, but please keep my reference if you use it.
Here is an example using 5 dimensions, using the code: